Min Ron Nee: death of a legendary collector
The author of the “bible” of vintage Havanas died on Saturday March 9.
Min Ron Nee’s signature appearing at the bottom of the preface to his book (© DR)
Min Ron Nee, cigar collector and author of An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Post-Revolution Havana Cigars, a reference book for fans of vintage Havana Cigars, died this Saturday, March 9. L’Amateur de Cigare learned it from reliable sources.
First published in 2003 (Interpro Business Corporation) his book lists all Cuban cigars produced after 1959. “This book aims to serve as a concise reference guide to all important brands and cigars produced after the [Cuban] Revolution , as far as information can be found,” he writes in the preface.
“Min Ron Nee is among one of the most knowledgeable Habanos connoisseurs in Hong Kong” writes Adriano Martinez, in the book’s foreword. “What really makes Min Ron Nee’s knowledge and collection exceptional,” continues the former director of Habanos S.A., “is that he collects, studies and smokes every Habano available, from vintage cigars, difficult to find current production, to the most modest machine-made everyday cigars.
Aside from his book, very little is known about him and photos of Min Ron Nee are very rare.
Coincidentally, an auction of part of his collection is scheduled for March 23 in Hong Kong. During this sale organized by the Hong Kong house Madison Auction, 139 lots will be auctioned.
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